An educational institution is really a centre of learning, a holy place to earn knowledge for building once own career. It is a site for mental growth and development. Teachers are the integral assets who act as ladder on which people used to step up. Teaching is a noble and dignified profession, based on devotion.
Renaissance Junior College one of the premier institutions of senior secondary education located in the middle part of Nagaon Town that has been playing a vital role since its establishment in respect of imparting and expanding education among the teen-agers of the whole district.
This institution extends outstanding service with a view to building bright career of thousands of students. Our Endeavour is to provide all necessary amenities for earning knowledge as per student own choice in terms of law and considerate expense. Learning facility in all the three stream – Arts, Science and Commerce has been offered and students find no need of extra aid for private tuition. Class Teachers guide and method of teaching with skill is enough for through understanding about the themes and lesion of curriculum.
In our view, students mostly need regularity and sincerity and they should be attentive as well as laborious. They must abide by the rule and regulation of the institution. Congenial friendly behavior to class mates, respect to the older and showing affection towards the youngers ought to be basic and inherent nature of each and every student. Over and above due respect, regard and obedience to teachers are the necessary qualities to the rested with a student. Students should always be punctual.
Our humble request to guardians / parents and students to be alert and remain vigil against probable ill practice, unlawful activities that might be committed by their wards / children and abuse of time with bad companions. Minimum use of mobile phone and motor cycle can be adjust and adjudged as favorable and useful habit for building a brilliant carrer.
To welcome all youngster who are going to or already have crossed the level of secondary education (HSLC) and desiring to acquire knowledge of higher secondary level we determined to extend our helping hands with a view to building their bright and brilliant careers in future life.